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Can The Shul of New York
Count on You?
Will you be a

A Best Shul Friend Forever is someone who can be counted on in good times, and (like now) when times are tough.

To grow our congregation in numbers and diversity.
To hold even more services and programs at our spiritual home, the Angel Orensanz Foundation.
To support just causes with the Shul Justice Project.
To ensure that the Shul will be here for many years to come.
Why now?
The serious fiscal damage caused by the pandemic now threatens the Shul’s very existence.
If it’s not now, next year may be too late.
There are 2 ways:
By giving an EXTRA, tax-deductible donation now AND giving again at the High Holidays.
By going all-in and joining the Shul Benefactor Program. (See Donation Form.)

Help us to secure the future of The Shul of New York!
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